NYC Culture Pop Politics and more
I went to bed in the East Village and woke-up in a bad xerox of mid-town turning in to a bad xerox of Dubai. Welcome to king Mike Bloomberg's hideous "new" New York. Can the people save what soul is left?
911 Tech Corruption
Scott Stringer is not qualified to be NYC gov comptroller but thanks to back room deals and fixing and favors he got the job. He removed John Liu's Press Release from May 31, 2012 asking for a criminal investigation in to 911. Cy Vance said there is no need for one. Truth is yes there is and we need yet another new audit of 911 and for years before the first audits we needed a criminal investigation in to 911 and we still do. We also need an audit and investigation in to 311 spending and Board of Election, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Cy Vance, Scott Stringer, Zachary Carter, Bloomberg de Blasio, Ray Kelly, Bratton/O'Neill Violence Towards Women is Ok if they don't Like the Woman
Cy Vance, Scott Stringer, Zachary Carter, Bloomberg de Blasio, Ray Kelly, Bratton/O'Neill Violence Towards Women is Ok if they don't Like the Woman
on going "hate" crime retaliation -- treating me like a Jew in the Early stages of Nazi Germany -- if Delita Hooks, everyone involved from the office to the First Precinct did that to a dog there would be arrests......
How ever long it takes I will get Justice....
Zachary Carter covered up for wrong doing Lower East Side Nursing home, protecting NYPD in the NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case and more -- Zachary Carter, Cy Vance, Bill de Blasio, Bloomberg, Guiliani should be answering questions under oath including about CityTime corruption and why CityTime has yet to be thrown out and zero arrests of nyc gov employees stealing time literally like Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy who was protecting by the very top cops that protected crimes and are still protecting crimes committed by NYPD and Internal Affairs that committed crimes -- at this point covering up the many crimes Internal Affairs is more than party to obstructing Justice and covering up crimes and in how many cases along with Cy Vance when it comes to my case and Lt. Lamboy's but no resignations....
Like John Miller who should have been fired 23 years ago for his role in the Prospect Park Rape Case look where Detective Andrew Dwyer is who broke laws --- he is assigned
to the NYPD Joint Task Force. One Police Plaza gave me the telephone number there and
it is a non working number -- is it the rubber room for corrupt cops that Chief Boyce protected.
chief boyce protected Sgt Chen, promoted Det Andrew Dwyer my case and Chief Boyce
protected Lt Lamboy sex crimes unit along with Cy Vance, top brass inside Internal Affairs aka Internal Affairs steering committee
on going "hate" crime retaliation -- treating me like a Jew in the Early stages of Nazi Germany -- if Delita Hooks, everyone involved from the office to the First Precinct did that to a dog there would be arrests......
How ever long it takes I will get Justice....
Zachary Carter covered up for wrong doing Lower East Side Nursing home, protecting NYPD in the NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case and more -- Zachary Carter, Cy Vance, Bill de Blasio, Bloomberg, Guiliani should be answering questions under oath including about CityTime corruption and why CityTime has yet to be thrown out and zero arrests of nyc gov employees stealing time literally like Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy who was protecting by the very top cops that protected crimes and are still protecting crimes committed by NYPD and Internal Affairs that committed crimes -- at this point covering up the many crimes Internal Affairs is more than party to obstructing Justice and covering up crimes and in how many cases along with Cy Vance when it comes to my case and Lt. Lamboy's but no resignations....
Like John Miller who should have been fired 23 years ago for his role in the Prospect Park Rape Case look where Detective Andrew Dwyer is who broke laws --- he is assigned
to the NYPD Joint Task Force. One Police Plaza gave me the telephone number there and
it is a non working number -- is it the rubber room for corrupt cops that Chief Boyce protected.
chief boyce protected Sgt Chen, promoted Det Andrew Dwyer my case and Chief Boyce
protected Lt Lamboy sex crimes unit along with Cy Vance, top brass inside Internal Affairs aka Internal Affairs steering committee
Search Results
Web results
Aug 16, 2017 - NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer Broke Laws Got Promoted Delita Hooks Signed Letter More Proof. 2017 Almost 6 years later I now have a copy ...
View Andrew Dwyer's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Andrew has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Aug 20, 2017 - @NYPDONeill PC O'Neill, Chief Boyce hatred of me protect all crimes promote NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer for breaking the law
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Terror L train Bedford stop people almost crushed fear of a gun man
Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos 1 from inside the subway car and a photo -- You have to scroll down to see all 4 YouTubes!
Wednesday Update: NYPD not honest and forthcoming about way too much....
* For nearly six months, the New York Police Department has failed to comply with a New York City law requiring the department to make public demographic and location data related to people arrested or issued tickets for turnstile jumping, amNewYork reports.
Wednesday Update: NYPD not honest and forthcoming about way too much....
* For nearly six months, the New York Police Department has failed to comply with a New York City law requiring the department to make public demographic and location data related to people arrested or issued tickets for turnstile jumping, amNewYork reports.
What is real is the terror that I caught with this video inside the subway car all 4 videos!
+ I updated this post with some articles and a Reddit post. If you read the Reddit post their comments and one express is what many people have concerns about which is the NYPD and their official response to what happened is suspicious!
NYPD pilots flew spy plane in penis-shaped route to troll boss NYPD pilots to picture to describe their corrupt inappropriate boss his behavior and abuses I guess that's what you have to do when federal authorities are ignoring NYPD top brass breaking laws protecting crimes, party to obstruction of Justice, violation of our civil rights of use of taxpayer money etc.
Reddit - nyc - We thought there was a bomb in the L
Update: No gunman All false alarm. A malicious prankster?
Monday morning the New York Post reports this so my question is why is there actually someone flashing a gun on that subway in the car I was in Saturday or was it a prank? Than put that question in context of this article! Gunfire explodes over seven bloody hours in NYC. I was a victim of violence in my attacker did not have a gun - Google Dr Fagelman assault. It’s amazing I had a frightening experience in the subway car but I walked out exited it safely which was a miracle in and of itself but if you look at the video of me being attacked I wasn’t safe for the doctors and SoHo where I was critic of the 1st Precinct doing fixing in favors for Rich hotel down the street I run protests and try to help the vendors were a victim of what we call “selective policing“ - I was a victim of MD employee anger management and I could’ve been killed murdered if I fallen backwards and hit my head at a rich MD’s. 1800 Corrupt NYPD Fix it!
This blog post getting attention - mentions DAs fail us corrupt, NYPD Bratton could have action Eric Garner case.
(Monday am update reposted my exclusive YouTube two years before Sheldon silver was even indicted I caught him in front of the courthouse and ask him are you part of corruption and of course he denied it!
Ser blog post the story about the police commissioner using a federal funded airplane when he shouldn’t that stories gone dead and it shouldn’t at all he should be held accountable and forced to resign as well as re-pay taxpayer’s along with every top brass on that airplane ! )
Bratton, Ray Kelly were forced to repay free airplane rides! #NYPD PC O’Neill, Chief Boyce as guilty so pay back tax payers $ federally funded rides 0 accountable as in fire them for fixing favors retaliation OBSTRUCTION of Justice my case and other cases!
So far media outlets that have acknowledged my work first thank you NBC and I believe and NY1, Univision NY are going to thank you
Gun scare causes a panic among NYC subway passengers
NY1 recognized
The NY Post editors KILLED the subway new story! Wow NYDN added my video but the NYDN did not credit me but there is my YouTube crowning the article) NYDN credited me way back NYDN carried my Youtube NYPD Rape cop protest but it has been removed!
Not credits also below....?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway If you look to your right you’ll see a guy with his arms extended and he’s looking in the direction of the ghost gun man. Is this guy a plain clothes NYPD? Does he have something in his hands? If someone flashed a gun did he exit into the other car up driggs staircase?
Not credits also below....?
As it unfolded I was on the phone with the New York Post photo desk - their editors compromise their journalistic integrity because they don’t like me - I notified them of what happened and sent them video
Terrified passengers stampede at Bedford Avenue L Station | Metro US Metro uses my work but doesn’t acknowledge me and even quotes me I’m invisible woman who powerfully documented what I could.
L Train Gun Scare Causes Stampede At Bedford Ave Stop: Gothamist B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
L Train Stampede of Fear Bedford Station was a gun flashed inside the subway car, was it someone’s imagination or malicious prankster? Certain media outlets haven’t carried my work or used my YouTubes & quoted me minus my name! #Journalism #Integrity DOA?…
8pm thanks to the media outlets w/ integrity that asked for my permission and are actually going to credit me for my work.
I’m really no one was killed I’m relieved I’m safe I was not harmed or hurt — I have PTSD from a violent attack at a doctors office where was hurt very badly and the lies almost 6 years continue even though I have video evidence proof including police reports the cops lied and broke was joining in so this was really jarring for me. Thanks and gratitude to the gentleman who saw I was shaken up, carried my bag and drove me home.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI Was a terrible prank L train people were terrified they drop their bags which you can see in the YouTube people screaming for the doors of the L train to open I exited safely v Google Dr Fagelman assault hole in my retina etc 0 arrests multi threats to me…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorkStateAG Cy Vance Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi, Siobhan Berry protected NYPD falsifying DD5s, multi threats to me 1 by Det Vergona over phone! Critics of Cy don’t have human/civil rights perps ganged up to lie NYPD join in no statute of limitation obstruction justice

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway Google Dr Fagelman assault. I was savagely assaulted my eye neck my body hurt and could have been killed. Miracle I wasn’t hurt all people I saw were safe just terrified
Deaths from a single punch not that uncommon - Washington Times the Twitter app
Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos one from inside the subway car. If the doors had not opened I think there could’ve been a fatality. I looked I did not see anyone I never heard threat I never saw gun or heard a gunshot. Once I exited and it was a miracle I wasn’t hurt because we were pushed up against each other was so frightening I thought people would fall face down and be run over by people fleeing. I don’t know if someone flash to guide and ran up the stairs out driggs - I don’t know if it was cruel prank or someone really thought there was a threat when there was none. Google Dr Fagelman assault. The NYPD treated me like the prospect park Rape Victim — Watch the YouTube you’ll see a lunging running punch to my head. I could’ve been killed I was badly injured I just had a medical procedure I was patient my rights my patient rights my body were violated there were no arrests. Anyone investigating the subway should know it’s a miracle people escaped safely was sheer luck and a miracle but what shocking to me as well as in contrast I went with doctors office on the six years ago to feel better and left damaged and the NYPD IA and the DA protected all crimes because they didn’t like me...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway @MTA Terror on the L train Bedford stop people almost crashed each other in fear of a gun man…
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI 4YouTubes Terror L Train people screamed doors to open as we pulled up only 1door opened than both I’m safe. Google Dr Fagelman assault I could have been killed 6yrs ago running lunge punch to head I was hurt bad NYPD IA DA protected all crimes my case!… |
L Train Passengers run for cover alleged gun man via @YouTube
Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News Suzannah Troy Artist News
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Class Action Lawsuits against the City of NY, NYPD, Internal Affairs Chronic Crimes
Class Action Lawsuit Against Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Larry Byrne, City of New York, Corp Counsel, Cy Vance etc Obstruction of Justice, Protecting Chronic Corruption therefore Complicit
My contact email:
I want to be part of any and all class action lawsuits until the City takes responsibility and pays up for years of lying, obstruction of Justice.
How many victims feel like I do and or family members who's loved one's were killed by the NYPD. In fact I continue to call for apology walls in front of DA's offices where DA sent how many innocent People to jail while they gave teflon to those who paid them via "donations" etc.
I also continue to call for an NYPD App tracker a citizen's data base ....
How many of us are victims of crimes either by the NYPD the NYPD and Internal Affairs joined involving falsifying police reports party to coercion participated in threatening us...etc.?
How about suing for FOIL, for a creative interpretation of 5-a as a form of obstructing justice -- certainly not the "transparency" mayor de Blasio promised.
(Bill de Blasio made it clear we are not his son. He isn't sharing Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit -- either is Al Sharpton but he does share his viagra with a lawyer accused of raping one of Al's employees.
(Mike Bloomberg may have set a record for the most retired NYPD officially on his payroll and I want to know the dollar figure he pays a year for all these cops and their names, ditto for all billionaires, any and all people with retired cops on their payroll and or have received fixing and favors including MD's.)
* If a bad law wrongly interpreted is going to make New York one of the only places that withholds police body camera footage, public trust be damned, the state Legislature has a duty to fix the law, 50-a, and fix it now, the Daily News writes.
According to the column NYPD Confidential Larry Byrne is responsible for a bad wrong interpretation of 50-a, the same Larry Bryne who did not understand the NYPD committing perjury is not like a civilians but a cop can rob an individual of their freedom, liberty and so forth.
It is horrific Byrne’s brother a hero was murdered but Bryne is clearly abusing his position setting the NYPD up to be run like the mafia. The NYPD Internal Affairs that broke laws in my case protected by top brass three administrations have not yet been given the opportunity to commit perjury but they violated my current constitutional rights either directly or by protecting cops breaking laws at their desk. They threatened to kidnap me essentially false arrest me for running punched my head with a hole in my retina and cervical damage.
Bratton and O’Neill support the 50-a wrong interpretation and they protected John Miller lying about the Prospect Park Rape Victim because he didn’t like her her sexuality the color of her skin and her politics so like the cops in my case who took it to another extreme falsifying police reports and party to coercion violent threats and misogynist contract they acted on the obstructed justice they broke laws and there’s zero accountability.
O’Neill, Bryne and Miller must be forced to resign.
They can take de Blasio with them.
I am hoping to be part of a class action lawsuit against the city and corporate counsel NYPD for either directly breaking laws or in the city and corporate counsel‘s case protecting chronic abuse of power breaking laws falsifying police reports threatening victims coercion you name it they did it or where party to doing it including Ray Kelly.
Included in class action lawsuit should be FOIL as part of 50A.
Class action lawsuit re: NYPD Foil as well
My contact email:
8am added old post
Eric Garner's homicide the cop got a promotion, 24 hour security like he is the mayor and his record/history is being withheld..
Cy Vance refused to prosectute CityTime and 911 aka ECTP and top cops taking lavish gifts.
Preet Bharara made sure not arrests of crooks inside NYC gov and therefore CityTime was not thrown out and People steal stealing.
I am a whistle blower but it was more than that when it came to retaliation -- I got one of mayor Bloomberg's body guards a detective from "the intelligence division" in trouble, I am still the loudest most enduring whistle blower on ECTP 911 -- you still can't text message it and the city - aka tax payer were entitled to far more than 60.5 million dollars back and like CityTime - I am still blowing the whistle NYPD stealing over time CityTime because even under Bloomberg it was common knowledge easy to do -- FYI top cops took lavish gifts ECTP 911 and possible FirstNet.
My contact email:
I want to be part of any and all class action lawsuits until the City takes responsibility and pays up for years of lying, obstruction of Justice.
How many victims feel like I do and or family members who's loved one's were killed by the NYPD. In fact I continue to call for apology walls in front of DA's offices where DA sent how many innocent People to jail while they gave teflon to those who paid them via "donations" etc.
I also continue to call for an NYPD App tracker a citizen's data base ....
How many of us are victims of crimes either by the NYPD the NYPD and Internal Affairs joined involving falsifying police reports party to coercion participated in threatening us...etc.?
How about suing for FOIL, for a creative interpretation of 5-a as a form of obstructing justice -- certainly not the "transparency" mayor de Blasio promised.
(Bill de Blasio made it clear we are not his son. He isn't sharing Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit -- either is Al Sharpton but he does share his viagra with a lawyer accused of raping one of Al's employees.
(Mike Bloomberg may have set a record for the most retired NYPD officially on his payroll and I want to know the dollar figure he pays a year for all these cops and their names, ditto for all billionaires, any and all people with retired cops on their payroll and or have received fixing and favors including MD's.)
NYPD Corruption 50-a O’Neill Larry Byrne John Miller must resign
* If a bad law wrongly interpreted is going to make New York one of the only places that withholds police body camera footage, public trust be damned, the state Legislature has a duty to fix the law, 50-a, and fix it now, the Daily News writes.
* If a bad law wrongly interpreted is going to make New York one of the only places that withholds police body camera footage, public trust be damned, the state Legislature has a duty to fix the law, 50-a, and fix it now, the Daily News writes.
According to the column NYPD Confidential Larry Byrne is responsible for a bad wrong interpretation of 50-a, the same Larry Bryne who did not understand the NYPD committing perjury is not like a civilians but a cop can rob an individual of their freedom, liberty and so forth.
It is horrific Byrne’s brother a hero was murdered but Bryne is clearly abusing his position setting the NYPD up to be run like the mafia. The NYPD Internal Affairs that broke laws in my case protected by top brass three administrations have not yet been given the opportunity to commit perjury but they violated my current constitutional rights either directly or by protecting cops breaking laws at their desk. They threatened to kidnap me essentially false arrest me for running punched my head with a hole in my retina and cervical damage.
Bratton and O’Neill support the 50-a wrong interpretation and they protected John Miller lying about the Prospect Park Rape Victim because he didn’t like her her sexuality the color of her skin and her politics so like the cops in my case who took it to another extreme falsifying police reports and party to coercion violent threats and misogynist contract they acted on the obstructed justice they broke laws and there’s zero accountability.
O’Neill, Bryne and Miller must be forced to resign.
They can take de Blasio with them.
I am hoping to be part of a class action lawsuit against the city and corporate counsel NYPD for either directly breaking laws or in the city and corporate counsel‘s case protecting chronic abuse of power breaking laws falsifying police reports threatening victims coercion you name it they did it or where party to doing it including Ray Kelly.
Included in class action lawsuit should be FOIL as part of 50A.
NYPD Corruption 50-a O’Neill Larry Byrne John Miller must resign
Bill Bratton should have fired John Miller for lying about Prospect Park Rape victim obstructing justice and O’Neill refuses. He protects crimes in my case too like Ray Kelly Charles Campisi
Class action lawsuit re: NYPD Foil as well
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYTMetro… My testimony! Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill, Campisi, Reznick, Boyce protect all crimes! CCRB NYPDIG CCPC pass corruption buck. If CCRB took back my case ? cops under oath Det Andrew Dwyer etc arrested v promoted! PPRape case my case bias obstructed justice
My contact email:
8am added old post
Why Judge Jack Weinstein called for a Federal Probe in to NYPD lying and perjury -- thank Larry Byrne who shamefully tried to rationalize it and make it into nothing
Larry Byrne, Scott Stringer, Zachary Carter along with corrupt NYPD Internal Affairs involved in blatant crimes and retaliation would rather see me dead than admitted the truth and also pay me a settlement....for years of lies...keep reading..
Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit which no one in the media will share except me....another person picked it up on after me and I am glad the more the better... his and I pro se under Bloomberg and I still am and Zachary Carter had joined the gang bang of retaliation and lies -- the NYPD and their protectors are not show about lying which is why you need to read up on Larry Byrne and there are 2 link that must be read to understand...
Also for punishing all whistle blowers instead of rewarding them -- the city, dept of Investigation, NYPD, Internal Affairs name on whistle blower you rewarded?
THE NYPD PROMOTE COPS that break laws including at their desk.
Cy Vance refused to prosectute CityTime and 911 aka ECTP and top cops taking lavish gifts.
Preet Bharara made sure not arrests of crooks inside NYC gov and therefore CityTime was not thrown out and People steal stealing.
I am a whistle blower but it was more than that when it came to retaliation -- I got one of mayor Bloomberg's body guards a detective from "the intelligence division" in trouble, I am still the loudest most enduring whistle blower on ECTP 911 -- you still can't text message it and the city - aka tax payer were entitled to far more than 60.5 million dollars back and like CityTime - I am still blowing the whistle NYPD stealing over time CityTime because even under Bloomberg it was common knowledge easy to do -- FYI top cops took lavish gifts ECTP 911 and possible FirstNet.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
To understand Eric Garner case Erica my eyes NYPD lies obfuscation killed her r a killer Google NYDN Federal probe NYPD lying Perjury Larry Byrne, 2) read……, 3) read Eric Garner hand written lawsuit u learn what “it” stops today means
Class Action Lawsuits against the City of New York NYPD Internal Affairs Corp Counsel Chronic Crimes Violation of Constitution Rights etc
Monday, January 29, 2018
Sunshine Movie Theatre Lower East Side Closed Next McDonald's?

I walked in and chatted with a handsome heavily tattooed young man --- I have pasted the half way point in my life and the the PTSD and insomnia have aged me...
I don't know if Mr Handsome Tattoos was kidding when he said a Mc Donalds was moving in but I can confirm a bit of Sunshine has now gone out on Houston Street, Lower East Side.

Yes a Woody Allen film "Bananas" --- now just brings a cringe factor....
but how sad --- the stack of over sized movie posters -- a house of cards -- so many ways..

Sunday, January 14, 2018
MLK NYPD John Miller Must Resign His Apology to Prospect Park Rape Victim He Raped Again in The Media No Ok it is KKK
MLK NYPD John Miller Must Resign His Apology to Prospect Park Rape Victim He Raped Again in The Media No Ok it is KKK
(I also posted Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit - see below and I believe the stress killed Erica Garner
-- reminder the NYPD control press passes which is why you have not see Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit on the front page in newspapers and lead story every TV news channel
NYPD special relations control of press passes heighten with Bratton and John Miller underscores John Miller RAPING THE RAPE VICTIM AGAIN in the Prospect Rape Victim was raped by John Miller NYPD 23 years ago having his NYDN pal sell the false narrative she made up the rape to bring attention to her activism for #LGBT AVP ANTI-VIOLENT PROJECT -- an fyi a social worker from AVP spoke up for me. Before the NYPD broke laws for Dr Andrew Fagelman' (UROLOGIST Soho/Tribeca Area do the math) violent lying employee -- I was gay bashed after leaving a voice mail for Det Tommy Moran about his than new partner a bad guy PO Gene Schatz and they are facebook friends with the detectives that broke laws in my case and acted on the misogynist cunt threat to turn the tables on me.
Racial firestorm surrounds Trump at MLK holiday and here in NYC NOW is protesting John Miller a corrupt misogynist crony of Bratton who RAPED an AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN YALE GRAD RAPED IN PROSPECT PARK AND JOHN MILLER RAPED HER VIA HIS PAL IN THE NYDN 23 YEARS AGO -- HE TOOK HIS SWEET TIME WITH HIS FAUX APOLOGY. also posted Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit - see below and I believe the stress killed Erica Garner
-- reminder the NYPD control press passes which is why you have not see Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit on the front page in newspapers and lead story every TV news channel
NYPD special relations control of press passes heighten with Bratton and John Miller underscores John Miller RAPING THE RAPE VICTIM AGAIN in the Prospect Rape Victim was raped by John Miller NYPD 23 years ago having his NYDN pal sell the false narrative she made up the rape to bring attention to her activism for #LGBT AVP ANTI-VIOLENT PROJECT -- an fyi a social worker from AVP spoke up for me. Before the NYPD broke laws for Dr Andrew Fagelman' (UROLOGIST Soho/Tribeca Area do the math) violent lying employee -- I was gay bashed after leaving a voice mail for Det Tommy Moran about his than new partner a bad guy PO Gene Schatz and they are facebook friends with the detectives that broke laws in my case and acted on the misogynist cunt threat to turn the tables on me.
Racial firestorm surrounds Trump at MLK holiday and here in NYC NOW is protesting John Miller a corrupt misogynist crony of Bratton who RAPED an AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN YALE GRAD RAPED IN PROSPECT PARK AND JOHN MILLER RAPED HER VIA HIS PAL IN THE NYDN 23 YEARS AGO -- HE TOOK HIS SWEET TIME WITH HIS FAUX APOLOGY.
MLK NYPD John Miller Must Resign His Apology to Prospect Park Rape Victim He Raped Again in The Media No Ok it is KKK —- it’s took him to many days to apologize and I believe he was only looking out for him his money his wallet his pension and he must be forced to resign he must compensate her for 23 years of his lies his demeaning racist homophobic misogynist prejudiced attack on her — he hasn’t changed he’s not even qualified for the job he has he doesn’t belong here he was supposed to leave a year ago why is he still here and he should take top NYPD brass that ours arrogant corrupt they are one race blue the blue wall of corruption resign!!!!!
Happy MLK day — I will be with Mom who continues to just barely hang in mostly Paralyzed by Parkinson’s...
I’m doing a repost of Friday and Saturdays blogging because it feels urgent to demand John Miller resign and now! His apology to The Prospect Park rape victim from 23 years ago that he John Miller raped in the Press via his friend from the New York Daily News — Miller must go and 24 years ago to today NYPD Internal Affairs Dirty DAs still doing “Round Robin” an NYPD term which means they weigh and Judge VICTIMS!!!
23 years ago a Black woman activist with LGBT Anti-Violence Project was raped in prospect Park and then John Miller and is NYPD palace decided she was a liar, she didn’t have bruises and she was doing this to bring attention to the anti-violence project!
My case is proof there still racist corrupt you name it I was assaulted by a Black woman and a Twitter comment some top the NYPD you defend black people poetic justice assaukted by a black person #dumbcuntlivesmatter?
That comment on Twitter came after a cunt threat by Bob Dobalina sock puppet account claiming to be be a lawyer and I believe it was Joe Tacopina who crowns his website with Abner Louima - his website braxy got one of the cops off and also the two NYPD rape cops off and there was a second sock puppet account threatening me they both warned me not to take any legal action or the tables would be turned and when I forwarded it to the corrupt misogynist cops they did just that they all broke the law from the doctors office to Joe Tacopina if I’m correct and his partner Chad Seigel and the cops at the First Precinct hugely from the Det Squad, Ed Winski mr fixer of crime stats using coercion as a policing tool to lower crimes. I hope everyone involved gets their karma lose their pensions and what they’ve done to me and other victims I can’t imagine how they should be punished but they should be punished.
23 years later this woman who was raped in Prospect Park is vindicated but the apology from John Miller who raped her again via his pal New York Daily News it’s too late and I want to know what he in the city are going to do to compensate her for all those years of suffering and being lied about I’m waiting for compensation my case but Zachary Carter keeps lying for the corrupt misogynist anti-Semitic cops in my case. Zachary Carter has the email G-d Sees All — False Arrest the Jew on Sabbath.
Below the previous post pasted in and I will spend MLK with Mom.
Saturday am update:
corrupt Racist, Misogyny, Homophobic John Miller who is supposed to leave right after Bratton or at the least at the end over a year ago was most likely confronted that he cannot keep his job if he does not apologize to the African-American rape victim from Prospect Park who I believe he trashed for her gay and lesbian anti-violence activism 23 years ago (NYPD have embraced the term professional agitators ironic King George certainly thought that about founding fathers and mothers) — JOHN MILLER lead the pack calling her a liar and John Miller was the source for the NYDN reporter “raping her” in the press — do you even understand how extra evil that was here’s an activist fighting against violence and John Miller NYPD leads the pack in the press stating she did this meaning she lied about rape because she want to bring attention to the anti-violence Project #LGBTQ. She sued the NYDN and lost again thanks to John Miller NYPD source to take his apology put his money where his mouth is compensate her and resign ASAP!
John Miller should be out. Instead a belated faux apology because for Miller an apology is job $security?
For John Miller’s misogynist Dirty dealing and spin he landed lucrative jobs but finally truth out but it took 23 years for truth out!
Please keep reading NY Post article on Prospect Park Rape until you get to her activism pre the rape and her activism involving the anti-Violence Project #LGBT...John Miller’s monsterous stance 23 years ago!
I contacted John Miller about my case and he chose his typical misogyny and now with the press does is just black you out they blacked out the Eric Garner hand written lawsuit and have never shared it because it is pal Larry Bryne who is taking the grief of his brother who was murdered and NYPD hero murdered and turned it into a full frenzied attack on anyone who dares to expose police corruption treating victims like the Catholic Church threatening us and they get the media to black out our stories and now days after the fact John Miller apologizes because he realizes they won’t be able to keep him employed and unless he apologizes?
Look at NYPD Police Commissioner James O'Neill's expression -- it is disdain.
RESIGN -- you have protected a pile up of crimes in my case 5 years now because just like the Prospect Park Rape Victim -- you, Larry Bryne, Chief Boyce, Reznick don't like my politics, my activism, outspokenness but it does not matter you don't get to rape us assault us murder us if you don't like us -- stop weigh and judging victims and than join in BREAKING LAWS OBSTRUCTION JUSTICE AND VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION AND DUE PROCESS WITH YOUR PREJUDICES!!!!
Larry Byrne inspires Judge Jack Weinstein to call for a Federal Probe in to NYPD chronic lying including under Larry’s rationalization PERJURY!
So sad the email had so many typos to upset reliving all over again so went back fixed and sent the link instead. Had to add “not” changed but anyone with a brain understands...
Note gay bashing started in email (fake email account) in response to Voicemail I left community affairs NYPD Det Tommy Moran re: his new partner PO Eugene Schatz.
The voice mail was highly critical of Schatz. FYI When it’s on the Facebook page it turned out one of the FB profiles it’s a red globe in a fuck you. Great sums of corrupt cops at the 01.
Years later I found out Schatz,Moran, Det Vergona and Dwyer are Facebook friends with the detectives who broke laws in my case
corrupt Racist, Misogyny, Homophobic John Miller who is supposed to leave right after Bratton or at the least at the end over a year ago was most likely confronted that he cannot keep his job if he does not apologize to the African-American rape victim from Prospect Park who I believe he trashed for her gay and lesbian anti-violence activism 23 years ago (NYPD have embraced the term professional agitators ironic King George certainly thought that about founding fathers and mothers) — JOHN MILLER lead the pack calling her a liar and John Miller was the source for the NYDN reporter “raping her” in the press — do you even understand how extra evil that was here’s an activist fighting against violence and John Miller NYPD leads the pack in the press stating she did this meaning she lied about rape because she want to bring attention to the anti-violence Project #LGBTQ. She sued the NYDN and lost again thanks to John Miller NYPD source to take his apology put his money where his mouth is compensate her and resign ASAP!
John Miller should be out. Instead a belated faux apology because for Miller an apology is job $security?
For John Miller’s misogynist Dirty dealing and spin he landed lucrative jobs but finally truth out but it took 23 years for truth out!
Please keep reading NY Post article on Prospect Park Rape until you get to her activism pre the rape and her activism involving the anti-Violence Project #LGBT...John Miller’s monsterous stance 23 years ago!
He (John Miller) also acted as a source for Daily News columnist Mike McAlary, who wrote in a piece that said police believe the attack was a “hoax.”
“Inappropriately sharing this information, which was the speculation of investigators, and ultimately proved to be incorrect, was a serious misjudgment on my part,” Miller said in his apology statement.
Is he going to compensate her? Protect us from John Miller and too many top cops misogyny and negligence— clean House RESIGN!
Larry Byrne's Eureka Moment read this Bratton/O’Neill empowered Byrne to abuse make a joke of civil rights obfuscation blocking our right to know about NYPD and John Miller part of the clan.
Eric Garner under Bloomberg/Ray Kelly/ Charles Campisi a fraud all frauds like their predecessors Eric wrote he was sexually assaulted front and back and they planted drugs on him they clearly stated they knew who he was in the parks department should not employ him because he was a felon. He Wrote they planted drugs on him because they were retaliating against him.
Like Eric Garner he and I started out pro se under Bloomberg see his lawsuit link above We were both retaliated and to do so NYPD IA broke laws obfuscation my case Zachary Carter in court lying right now!
Like Eric Garner he and I started out pro se under Bloomberg see his lawsuit link above We were both retaliated and to do so NYPD IA broke laws obfuscation my case Zachary Carter in court lying right now!
My Legal Filing Zachary Carter Protecting NYPD Crimes reference Larry Bryne, Eric Garner, Kalief Browder, 911 aka ECTP Tech Corruption | Pro Se Legal Representation In The United States | Lawsuit contacted John Miller about my case and he chose his typical misogyny and now with the press does is just black you out they blacked out the Eric Garner hand written lawsuit and have never shared it because it is pal Larry Bryne who is taking the grief of his brother who was murdered and NYPD hero murdered and turned it into a full frenzied attack on anyone who dares to expose police corruption treating victims like the Catholic Church threatening us and they get the media to black out our stories and now days after the fact John Miller apologizes because he realizes they won’t be able to keep him employed and unless he apologizes?
Deborah Danner’s sister says NYPD cop fabricated story: suit - NY Daily News at NYPD Police Commissioner James O'Neill's expression -- it is disdain.
RESIGN -- you have protected a pile up of crimes in my case 5 years now because just like the Prospect Park Rape Victim -- you, Larry Bryne, Chief Boyce, Reznick don't like my politics, my activism, outspokenness but it does not matter you don't get to rape us assault us murder us if you don't like us -- stop weigh and judging victims and than join in BREAKING LAWS OBSTRUCTION JUSTICE AND VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION AND DUE PROCESS WITH YOUR PREJUDICES!!!!
Larry Byrne inspires Judge Jack Weinstein to call for a Federal Probe in to NYPD chronic lying including under Larry’s rationalization PERJURY!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair John Miller #NYPD was suppose to leave the year after Bratton! I want to know how working in the media makes him qualified for the power he wields and abuses at One Police Plaza. He hasn’t left because he doesn’t want to give up the power can’t find $oft landing Bratton did
Suzannah Troy
Date: January 13, 2018 at 6:54:18 AM EST
To:,,, Nypd Commissioner Of Public Info 1 Police Plaza,
Subject: John Miller apologizes days after Prosepect Park Rape Victim the truth out how else can he keep a job ($, power he abuses) he should not have like O’Neill, Byrne, Boyce, Reznick Misogynist Corrupt
ps O’Neill Acknowledged trauma post post traumatic stress and stressing out the Prospect Park Rae victim but FYI he has the rudest NYPD women to answer hus phone no police commissioners office/chief of Dept has ever had such abusive of women who hang up on victims of crime.
From Ray Kelly to Bratton to O’Neill every step of the way they have NYPD women I have them on audio doing their misogynist dirty work
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYDN_GRayman I video, audios, police reports NYPD lied. Signed letter by Delita Hooks threatens me yet again to Det Andrew Dwyer. Dwyer’s FB friend Det John Vergona violently threatened me w/ false arrest Sat 4pm unless I dropped charges. Urologist Soho office clients?
Mr Rayman admits I was his source for a CityTime article yet he and Rocco won’t report my story with Delita Hooks false cross complaint and police reports prove NYPD IA crimes why? NYDN editors in response to Prospect Park Rape Victim vindicated 23 yrs later say they changed. They haven’t misogynist as ever and because I dared to criticize the oligarchs to New York including Michael Bloomberg and pals.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@RonanFarrow #NYPD John Miller resign! Prospect Park Rape #racism homophobia anti #LGBTQ #AVP! Misogynist! Silent days apologizy to keep job $! My case he all Top cops guilty blacked out by media NYPD control press passes!… Suppose leave yr ago!… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair John Miller #NYPD was suppose to leave the year after Bratton! I want to know how working in the media makes him qualified for the power he wields and abuses at One Police Plaza. He hasn’t left because he doesn’t want to give up the power can’t find $oft landing Bratton did
So sad the email had so many typos to upset reliving all over again so went back fixed and sent the link instead. Had to add “not” changed but anyone with a brain understands...
From: Suzannah Troy
Date: January 12, 2018 at 2:41:14 PM EST
Subject: James O’Neill is a liar Prospect Park Rape NYPD has NOT changed I have proof DD5s (DD5s are police reports) audios inside First Precinct and Internal Affairs
NYPD head: We’ll apologize to Prospect Park rape victim again | New York Post
@We’ll talk, and we would apologize again,” O’Neill said Thursday. “To have her traumatized twice is just not right and we understand that. We’ve come a long way since 1994.””
I was sexually assaulted at a doctor’s office, urologist that rented out space to my MD a dermatologist. I walked in to get a cyst removed on my elbow and I left with a hole in my retina (from a running punch to my head Google Dr Fagelman assault) cervical damage and forcible touching after I said don’t touch my body!
I walked in to get a cyst removed on my elbow and I left with a hole in my retina, cervical damage and forcible touching by the Ray Rice of medical reception desks first tried dragging me down the hall by my hair, after repeatedly assaulting me after telling me had no rights after I just simply asked about paper cups instead of Styrofoam.
I alleged Joe Tacopina is Bob Dobalina online lawyer six days after during an open investigation on YouTube called me a fight picking Cunt threatened to bury me destroy me see the tables turned in that I was trespassing at my own doctor.
Threatening victim during an open investigation is a crime there been zero (ar)rests in my case pileup of crimes doctors office to the police department including One Police Plaza.
Three police commissioners have protected these crimes including the detectives doing a bait and switch and downgrade to zero crime under DI Ed Winski, mr fixer of crime stats at the First Precinct.
Detective John Vergona omitted my atackers threat to slap the crap out of my (me) ass, forcible touching of my genital area and a lot more; NYPD detectives doctored police reports and Zachary Carter’s Dr Redacto of the Nursing Home scandal is currently lying for NYPD IA involved.
The anti-violence project social worker there advocated for my attacker to be arrested and she wanted the NYPD investigated and of course nothing happened so James O’Neill talks the talk but he doesn’t walk the walk! It’s hauntings me that the prospect park rape victim was retaliated in part for her activism with anti-violence project all those years ago!
PC O’Neill is a fraud and he should resign with Chief Boyce another PHONY and his head of internal affairs Chief Reznick who was sued for calling an NYPD whistleblower a rat and the whistleblower one and ample settlement not that Bratton and O’Neill cared.
Like Eric Garner, his hand written lawsuit, my case started under Ray Kelly as well with Eric Garner’s homicide under Bill Bratton.
O’Neill is as big a fraud as his predecessors.
I have police reports, video, audio from inside the police precinct audio from internal fares and five years later I have audio from the sex crimes unit violating protocol and protecting the fact I was coerced that attacked of figured if we put a gun to my head forcing me to drop charges against my will.
Suzannah Troy
Note gay bashing started in email (fake email account) in response to Voicemail I left community affairs NYPD Det Tommy Moran re: his new partner PO Eugene Schatz.
The voice mail was highly critical of Schatz. FYI When it’s on the Facebook page it turned out one of the FB profiles it’s a red globe in a fuck you. Great sums of corrupt cops at the 01.
Years later I found out Schatz,Moran, Det Vergona and Dwyer are Facebook friends with the detectives who broke laws in my case
Evidence Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, Boyce, Police Commissioner O’Neill Cook Books on Crime Listen Audio Sex Crime Unit Detective
NYPD Sex Crimes and Internal Affairs Lieutenant Indicted On Over 80 Counts Of Child Sexual Abuse | Law News not arrested by NYPD and Manhattan DA of course not. Google Cy Vance Intern. Google NYDN Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein
voice dictated ptsd insomnia
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Suzannah Troy
Date: January 12, 2018 at 8:24:56 PM EST
Subject: Tweet by Suzannah B. Troy on Twitter
Because media, judges, City, NYPD same mentality as portrayed in the film Spotlight?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) #Rome #Church Mass Pedophile Protector #Boston Cardinal Law “promoted” by the Church died 2017. Oscar winning film “Spotlight”. Victim of a priest Cardinal Law protected: “With his passing, I say I hope the gates of hell are open wide to welcome him,".…Why hasn’t any nyc media reported on NYPD lt allegedly ... read it and allegedly while employed by NYPD sex crimes unit and Internal Affairs
I was threatened repeatedly including verbally violent threat over the phone by Detective John Vergona who yelled at me you’re going to drop those charges or I’m going to arrest you!
Please tell me how the City, Zachary Carter and his predecessor, Larry Bryne different than the Catholic Church?
I watch Spotlight over and over media/ judges/ cops/ Corp Counsel are 100 Times worse than lawyers in the film - they won’t go to the media and tell what they are doing in our cases lying to judges get our cases dismissed when they can even though NYPD and Internal Affairs broke laws.
My Legal Filing Zachary Carter Protecting NYPD Crimes reference Larry Bryne, Eric Garner, Kalief Browder, 9... by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
Erica Garner died of stress inflicted on her by Larry Byrne, Bratton and O'Neill maybe even Zachary Carter, and de Blasio refusing to turn over government employees NYPD history! Thank Larry Byrne "eureka moment" as per Levitt NYPD Confidential -- you should know Larry Byrne's NYDP brother murdered and it appears me he has lost his soul and is covering up crimes including perjury, and a lot more and he should RESIGN and get grief counseling while new laws are put in place to allow us access to NYPD officer's histories as well as any nyc gov employees that break laws or protect CRIMES LOSE THEIR PENSIONS!!!!
Eric Garner Lawsuit NYPD Violated Him in Eric's own hand writing 7 years ago! by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
Monday, July 17, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
I’m Nobody! Who are you? The Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson | The Morgan Free Today!
I’m Nobody! Who are you? The Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson | The Morgan Library and Museum free admission today.
Suzannah B. Troy artist: #NYPD PC O'Neill, Mayor de Blasio Selling Lies Truth Many Do Not Trust NYPD New ex. MTA Employee?, May 12, 2017
Citizen NYC Crime Fighting App Could Help During Terror Attack when Bloomberg's 911 Boondoggle Fails?
Citizen NYC Crime Fighting App Could Help During Terror Attack when Bloomberg's 911 Boondoggle Fails?
Mayor de Blasio, Mark Peters, Scott Stringer, Bratton, O'Neill and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn should be forced to answer questions under oath especially the Bloomberg era about the biggest corruption ever New York City history and it's really shocking because it was a response to September 11 Rudy Giuliani never move the emergency command center out of the World Trade Center and he had 11 years between terror attacks do it and he didn't do it this was about massive greed corruption stealing men who would call them Selfs patriots including lobbyists this is a bigger crime than CityTime.
There's a new app and it's very impressive it'll notify you if you were near danger you can choose to avoid the danger or you can become interactional interviewing people taking photos or videos and immediately submitting them.
This app this humble app put 911 to shame but the bigger story is the massive corruption including contractors that are tied to Homeland security and the Pentagon and major scandals and their Teflon as well as top NYPD brass taking lavish gifts and they were not punished in anyway and I believe part of the retaliation for why top NYPD brass misogynist misogynist creeps we're OK with me being punched and hit because they don't like me and this blog.
NYPD App Tracker The Future Exposing NYPD Stats a Lie Expose NYPD IA DA crimes Citizens App can help u avoid danger or enable u to report crime details v 911 tech u can't text!!! 911 tech ripoff
mayor bloomberg king of new york: Mayor Bloomberg 911 Tech Scandal Surge in Blog stats Stringer HP Scandal Too
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