Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lady Gaga One Sequin at A Time Documentary I loved it and more by Suzannah B. Troy Gaga Gagaism


Lady Gaga: One Sequin At A Time

I recently converted to Gaga" or "Gagaism" so I loved this hour and 3 minute documentary.

It was worth the rental. I really did not like the techno "stuff" in her music and like someone other than me points out -- we want to hear her voice!

This is a sweet film and I really enjoyed it.

I have 3 Gaga downloads on my Iphone and I am loving them.


This was the first piece I ever wrote about Gaga and the part about her fans in the first paragraph is pure poetry.

I was walking down the street here in NYC and I heard someone yell out, "Hey, Lady Gaga!" and it did look like her.   Who knows...only Lady Gaga knows.   TMZ has a racy video of her body surfacing with fans and their hands moving her like Niagara Falls...the movements rough, rapid and full of life.