After 12 ,500 views today an adult rating for violence but YouTube has videos more violent.
True it is shocking because Dr Fagelman employees such a violent receptionist as this video proves
and a medical place is suppose to be a safe place but Delita Hooks violence happened where anyone
could see and note not one medical professional called 911.
My phone records show repeated calls to NYPD right after assault but Google YouTube deems Delita Hooks and thus news worthy video be given an adult rating today after 12,500 views.
In my opinion......
Attention Chief Campisi:
Still no arrest for a assault and a false cross complaint but Google youtube plenty happening.
The NYPD that obviously involved in fixing not punished and why would I drop charges against this violent liar? Why would NYPD bend over backward to coerce m and also prevent me from even the right to filing a complaint to the fact Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint as the video proves?
Google Suzannah Troy Commission Police Corruption 3 videos
Sent from my iPhone
Note: In my opinion Dr Fagelman not firing her also a violent act, not ethical as well.
A medical office is suppose to be a safe place.