Wednesday, July 3, 2013

CityTime Scoundrel Joel Bondy Being Sued + Media Kills Bloomberg Chris Quinn CityTime 911 Role

I keep getting searches on Joel Bondy Sued?

but I have to wonder because to date Preet Bharara said there would be arrests CityTime NYC gov officials and to date there haven't been any.

Just a reminder Joel Bondy testified under oath City Hall.   Christine Quinn brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James, Christine Quinn Queen of green lighting corruption and way more than CityTime Crime.....911 the biggest crime of all.

Karen Shaffer stole using a pencil -- 911 tech corruption and CityTime corruption bring city gov workers back to the primitive technology of a "pencil".

Karen Shaffer wasn't arrested for stealing just demoted and did not even have to pay back all the money but I agreed to be false arrested and even to wait 4 days to be false arrested because in my opinion a misgyoist anti-Semitic cop Det John Vergona wanted me to suffer as much as possible as if being told I have no rights, who am I, given the finger, my body violated by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent receptionist/office manager Delita Hooks who threw shoes at me and ran punching me in the eye as hard as she could as I held bags and phones my arm -numb from 2 injections not enough -- the corrupt NYPD detectives and supervisors decided I must be arrested for being a victim of a violent assault knowingly using Delita Hooks false cross complaint a serious crime as is assault but no arrest for Karen Shaffer.

I love it.  2 and 1/2 years after me the NYDN does an exclusive Bill Thompson could have stopped citytime crime --- duh so could have Mike and Dept of Investigation Rose Gill Hearn --- look at Richard Valcich's whistle blowing letter!!!!!!!!
Rumor has it the parallels to 911 tech corruption and DOI turning a blind eye staggering.

Maybe NYDN will report my exclusive in a couple of years about Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and how many other top officials responsible for 911 and CityTime corruption so bravo for Bill Thompson being the only one to own up just a little.

HP creative accounting to cover their role in theft and corruption just like Citytime crime but even more creative "bait and switch" so creative that have Bloomberg and gang selling myth they came in under budget -- look at HP and fellow contractors work and their billing pre- the creative accounting and myth.

Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn did their sick pathetic informercial CityTime works and praised SAIC until they couldn't.

CityTime Scoundrel Joel Bondy Being Sued + Media Kills  Bloomberg Chris Quinn CityTime 911 Role