911 Tech Corruption

Scott Stringer is not qualified to be NYC gov comptroller but thanks to back room deals and fixing and favors he got the job. He removed John Liu's Press Release from May 31, 2012 asking for a criminal investigation in to 911. Cy Vance said there is no need for one. Truth is yes there is and we need yet another new audit of 911 and for years before the first audits we needed a criminal investigation in to 911 and we still do. We also need an audit and investigation in to 311 spending and Board of Election, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Staten Island DA Vote Democrat FYI Joan Illuzi a LIAR Evil Dishonest my opinion watch this youtube

Staten Island DA Vote Democrat FYI Joan Illuzi a LIAR Evil Dishonest my opinion watch this youtube you decide

Joan Illuzi is a dishonest evil liar and her outsides reflect it - that photo isn't realistic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPa11l0Panc&sns=em This audio has her lying to me. She did not do a thorough investigation she can't even do a thorough cover up and she lied about a FedEx there was none and she offers me support but that's a lie to she's such a phony shall lie and lie her words mean nothing and she's like a split personality but you listen to the audio and decide for yourself.Edit (in 3 minutes)

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