Friday, May 12, 2017

Citizen NYC Crime Fighting App Could Help During Terror Attack when Bloomberg's 911 Boondoggle Fails?

Citizen NYC Crime Fighting App Could Help During Terror Attack when Bloomberg's 911 Boondoggle Fails?

Mayor de Blasio, Mark Peters, Scott Stringer,  Bratton, O'Neill and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn should be forced to answer questions under oath especially the Bloomberg era  about the biggest corruption ever New York City history and it's really shocking because it was a response to September 11 Rudy Giuliani never move the emergency command center out of the World Trade Center and he had 11 years between terror attacks do it and he didn't do it this was about massive greed corruption stealing men who would call them Selfs patriots including lobbyists this is a  bigger crime than CityTime. 

There's a new app and it's very impressive it'll notify you if you were near danger you can choose to avoid the danger or you can become interactional interviewing people taking photos or videos and immediately submitting them.

This app this humble app put 911 to shame but the bigger story  is the massive corruption including contractors that are tied to Homeland security and the Pentagon and major scandals and their Teflon as well as top NYPD brass taking lavish gifts and they were not punished in anyway and I believe part of the retaliation for why top NYPD brass misogynist misogynist creeps we're OK with me being punched and hit because they don't like me and this blog. 

NYPD App Tracker The Future Exposing NYPD Stats a Lie Expose NYPD IA DA crimes

Tweet: Citizens App can help u avoid danger or enable u to report crime details v 911 tech u can't text!!! 911 tech ripoff

 Scott Stringer brokered the most corrupt deal in New York City government with Euler Packard only having to return $10.5 million in total $60.5 million was returned without one arrest  because the Manhattan DA Cy Vance  was going to protect Rose Gill Hearn and the Tarnished Bloomberg legacy at all costs well stop NYPD taking lavish kickbacks and that was more important protecting wrongdoing then the safety of over 8 million people

mayor bloomberg king of new york: Mayor Bloomberg 911 Tech Scandal Surge in Blog stats Stringer HP Scandal Too