Have to upload it folks.
It is hard to tell from this photo but I am in a large depression and people tell me when a truck drives by and sinks in there is the loudest noise.
I have more photos of this street 9th Street between 2nd and 1st Avenue and the street is awful. This has been going on for years under Bloomberg and of course it is city wide.

I was going to show you the FDNY fire truck in the middle of the street but instead look at the street conditions on Great Jones where I finest have to respond to fires! The streets of NY under Bloomberg are awful and dangerous!
I have a copy I can email concerned readers of the Resolution.
The photo above is where a sewage break occurred years ago and Con Ed, DEP and DOT just can’t fix it. Where the people and the bus to your left are standing is an enormous depression which has become par for the course under Bloomberg. I have filmed a YouTube Series call
Dear Folks: Although I am not a fan of Hiram Monserrate he did introduce this resolution which would have prevented the hell New Yorkers are living right now with the exclusion of the bike lands. The streets and what lay beneath them are a mess and Bloomberg new this and he and Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff refused to do anything about it so Mike’s socialite city planner mega-millionaire Amanda the People’s Burden (the Cathie Black of City Planning) could push a reckless Tsunami of Community Crushing Development) and on old NY’s infrastructure. When I had a letter published in AM NY on this I even handed in a copy to Con Ed years ago demanding they ask Mike Bloomberg to slow down and put safety first.
Bloomberg Streets of New York. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-UbQ3rXCpo
Part 1 in series....
http://www.ny1.com/content/69978/east-village-water-main-break-leaves-thousands-without-water Over 3 years and the mayor, DEP and DOT can’t fix the intersection where a medium size water main break occurred and some small businesses are now gone. 2nd Avenue and 7th Street....explain that and just about every other street through out NYC under Bloomberg resembling a third world country.
Article in The Chief by Local 375 President Claude Forte, PE in support of the "Deputy Mayor for Infrastructure" for NYC. March 16, 2001

It is hard to tell from this photo but I am in a large depression and people tell me when a truck drives by and sinks in there is the loudest noise.
I have more photos of this street 9th Street between 2nd and 1st Avenue and the street is awful. This has been going on for years under Bloomberg and of course it is city wide.
I was going to show you the FDNY fire truck in the middle of the street but instead look at the street conditions on Great Jones where I finest have to respond to fires! The streets of NY under Bloomberg are awful and dangerous!